I did my make up lightly and rubbed out some red lipstick on the corner of my eyes since I don't have red eyeshadow. This one taken from Amy's blog.

These others were taken from Irene. As you can see she documented me and Amy's rolling race. We got SO dizzy she couldn't even crawl straight and I got nauseous. :,D
My panda mobile, Macie ♥ So fitting since I'm cosplaying a Chinese character. :D
Us petting pyramid head like he's a goat at the petting zoo. :3
Also, finished You're/He's Beautiful. Reaaaaaaaaaallllyyyyyyyyyyy love Jeremy & Shinwoo ♥ ♥ ♥ My brother's girlfriend brought over Baby and Me which was also pretty hillarious. :,D I've been watching ABC Family's Nine Live of Chloe King and the acting and dialogue IS SO FRICKIN AWFUL!!!!! I don't even know why I'm still watching it. .__.